About the blogger….

I am a warrior mom with a ‘black belt’ in autism.  I have two beautiful daughters living with autism–Magdalyn (aka “Mags”) and Gillian (aka “Gilly”).  Mags is ten years old and Gillian is seven years old.

Mags is semi-verbal, while Gilly is pre-verbal.  We use assistive technology everyday for learning, communication and leisure.  Come along for the ride as we share things that might be help to families and individuals who are ‘differently-abled.’


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11.


  1. jodykp said,

    KVS (I don’t see your name here), I have a blog of my own and was wondering if you were ok with me tagging you/linking to your post about Presuming Competence. I was about to do a post about “how do you know” myself. You can read about my daughter, Sophie and our family at http://www.oneinamillionkid.wordpress.com and let me know if you are ok with it. Thanks!
    Jody (a fellow warrior)

  2. Yes! That would be fine! As you can see I have not been blogging in awhile, but just logged back in today to get back into it.

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