November 9, 2012

Some Favorite iOS Accessories…..

Posted in Assistive Technology, Autism, iOS, iOS Accessories at 2:04 PM by kellyvansingel

November 9, 2012

This week has been a busy week of talkin’ about apps!  Yesterday I gave a workshop for the Autism Society of Michigan at the ACC EMU.  I was joined by fellow iTaalk guru Kate! and my friend Carol! to talk apps for those with autism and special needs.  We had a fabulous group of about 20 parents, educators and therapists and had a great day.    Last night was also an iTaalk app happy potluck in Toledo on Proloquo2go given by my friend Brooke.

Something fun yesterday at the workshop was to share favorite iOS accessory tips and tricks.    One of my favorite iPad helpers that we use everyday around our house is a stand that I first saw on Martha Stewart’s ‘good things.’

The stand is actually a plate rack for displaying items around your kitchen, .etc.  But, it totally rocks as a device stand.  You can get them in acrylic or bamboo from the Container Store.  I also added bumpers to the bottom of ours to make it non-slide on table tops.  We at first had one in acrylic and it fell and broke apart.  I then tried the bamboo and its been even more indestructible and is very light.  What I like about it most are the little feet on the front of the stand.  It helps to prevent iPad slippage! especially when your kid uses the device while dining out or at the kitchen table.

Another favorite for my iPhone/iPod is BONDI.

Bondi is a clever little gadget for hanging your phone on the rear view mirror while in the car, very handily ‘on’ an outlet while your device charges, or even use as a door stop in a pinch.  I love my Bondi. 🙂


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11.